Saturday, March 17, 2012

the magical mystery kind...

Thursday night we drove down to Tucson to see Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros.

They played at the Rialto.

It was such a great show! We couldn't take our camera in, so we tried to get some pictures and videos with the blackberry. It was a sold out show so it was really crowded inside. From the ground, I couldn't see anything. So, we decided to sit up top so I could actually enjoy the show. Poor Christian had to sit up top with me because I was too little to see over the crowd.

Christian said during the show that we're going extra early next time. Which is next month...when we get to see...drumroll pleeeeease.....BON IVER. YES. I know, I know, it's going to be beautiful and wonderful.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wicked Weekend

Saturday we went with Steph & Tyler to Wicked. I don't know if everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did. But I loved it again! I think it's soooo good. Must see every year.

Fire on Friday

Friday night we drove out to the desert with our friends and had a fire. We roasted hot dogs & made s'mores.

We were also really unsuccessful at taking pictures. We're still trying to figure out how to use our camera.

I wish we could do this every Friday. Next time, I'll dress warmer though. It got really cold out there.