Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Pregnancy: Weeks 8-12

I think I'm going to be sick just thinking about weeks 8-12 of my pregnancy. I am dead serious when I say they were the WORST 4 weeks of my life. I threw up almost every day, and most of the time it was multiple times a day. The girls at Sweet Tooth Fairy knew that they shouldn't expect to see me and when they would see me, I would dart out of the kitchen multiple times a day sometimes barely making it to the toilet. Luckily the shop was slower and all of my employees were so nice to help me out and cover for me when I needed. It didn't seem to matter what or when I ate, it just always came back up. So, I was put on promethazine, a much stronger anti-nausea medication than one I had previously tried. And I am SO thankful I was put on that stuff.

Christian's parents happened to be here when I was super sick, so we decided to tell them because we thought they might assume anyway. So, the first night we saw them, we gave them each a present to open. Each package had a little custom "Eames" onesie that Christian had made.

After they opened their packages, Stacy of course started screaming and she couldn't believe it was true. They were so excited for us and to be getting their 3rd grandchild. Even though I was really sick, it was exciting to see how excited his parents were for us. Oh I am so glad those weeks are far over!