1. Climbed up the crib so Vince could say, "I did it!"
2. Held, kissed, rubbed faces with, and slobbered on McKee.
3. Watched McKee sleep. At one point, Denise and I found crumbled up Goldfish and Granola Bars on McKee's pillow. Vince thought he might be hungry.
4. Ate lots of cupcakes. Also, Vince would inform me to be quiet when the baby was sleeping.
7. Played outside, even when it was only 35 degrees out.
8. Watched Robin Hood 3 times in a row.
9. Practiced saying, "Heeeeyyy baaayyy-beeeeeee."
10. Argued about whether my name is Ryann or Randy. Vince will only call me "Wandy." When the real Randy came over on Sunday night, Vince just called both of us "Wandy."

It was great spending time at Glen and Denises's house with Vince and McKee. Hopefully next time I go, Christian can go with me.
Christian picked me up from the airport yesterday. He didn't have to go back to work, so we drove to the RedRock Ampitheater and walked around a bit. It was lots of fun to go, but I'm very glad to be back home with Christian...even if it is cold and snowy.