Saturday, August 28, 2010

Part 3

After we saw Stevie in Berkeley, we headed to Phoenix Arizona to stay with Steph (Christian's sister) and her family. It was so hot there! I loved it! Stacy flew down while we were there so of course she spoiled us! We did a lot of shopping, swimming, eating, and laughing. It was so much fun to play with our niece Eliot for a whole week. A huge thanks to Tyler & Steph for taking care of us.

The cute little monster:

I've never seen a child dance so much:

We visited ASU to talk about their grad program and Christian LOVED it! It's now our #1 choice for grad school. Say a prayer for us that he'll get it! He loved everything about the campus, the program, the classrooms...and of course I loved the heat! We would love being so close to family and friends if we ended up at ASU.

One of the days we got to meet up with Carissa and Fielding. We ate and went to the Scottsdale mall. We miss them already!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Part 2

After Katie and Sammy left, we drove to California. It took us 13 hours to get to San Jose where most of Christian's extended family lives. We stayed the first night at Mark & Linda's house and the next day drove to Santa Cruz to camp on the beach with them. We camped with the Williams from July 30-August 3rd.

Before we left for the beach, we went and saw Grandpa and Grandma Hulme. We love them so much and had a great time with them at their house. I only got a picture of Christian and Grandpa, so I guess we'll have to go back soon to get one with Grandma and myself in it too! It's crazy how much Christian and his Grandpa look like each other.

Our campsite:

Christian discovered a new passion. Surfing. It was freezing at the beach and I'm too big of a wimp to get in that cold water, so I just took pictures.

We did lots of fun things while camping at the beach. One of the days we walked around Capitola which was a cute little beach town. We went to lots of fun shops and had delicious mexican food. I almost got nailed in the face with a football. Thank goodness for Christian's skills of stopping flying footballs with his feet.

Me and Christian and Leah (Christian's cousin) went to the Santa Cruz boardwalk and rode rides and ate corn dogs.

From August 3rd-6th, we stayed in Berkeley with Stevie. We saw the campus for grad school and got to see my cousin Michelle, her husband Chris, and their new baby Chloe who is such a cutie!

We are so grateful for Uncle Mark and Aunt Linda for letting us tag along with them on their beach vacation! And thanks to Stevie for letting us stay and steal your bed!We had so much fun in California! From there we drove to Phoenix...part #3 coming soon.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Part 1

We have been so so busy and we have a lot of fun things to blog about so I'm doing it in parts so it's not too long.


At the end of July, Kate and Sam came to visit us in Rexburg! We did alot of fun things with our friends Jordan & Danielle, and Danielle's brother Josh who is the girls' age. Our first night we went to the Civil Defense caves and played glow in the dark hide and seek. We hiked a ways into the cave until it was black and then we broke a ton of glow sticks all over the rocks and our clothes. It was so crazy how easily everyone blended into the rocks! Poor Sammy tripped and broke off a fingernail!

The Crew:

Doctor Jordan fixing Sammy's finger:


I tried to take pictures inside the cave of everyone and the rocks glowing in the dark, but this is all we could get. Creepy huh? Maybe I have a ghost-identifying-camera:

The other fun thing we did was go on a hike to a waterfall. Everyone except for me hiked even further past the waterfall to the wind-caves. I was so tired so I took a nap on a comfy rock. When the girls got back down I woke up and went to sit by them. As I did this animal emerged and started walking all over the rock I had just took a nap on. It could've eaten me.