Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

We had a really fun Thanksgiving break. Well...if you could call it a break for Christian. He did homework most of the time. We first spent some time in Oregon with my family. Then we flew to Arizona for a wedding and to see Christian's sister and her family. I obviously didn't take enough pictures during the break!

We had so much fun at Carissa and Fielding's wedding! We got to the Mesa temple and I had to change into my bridesmaid dress in the parking lot. The weather was perfect! It was about 75 degrees and beautiful. After the sealing I got to help Carissa get ready in the bride's room. I'm so glad I got to do that! She was the most beautiful bride. All the old ladies in the temple kept talking about her! She is my best girl friend and I'm so excited to get to know her husband better once they move back to school. Later at their reception they had a short ring ceremony, great food, and lots of dancing. That was the first time Christian and I have EVER danced and we had a blast. They through balloons on the dance floor and we had to hit them in the air. My arms were so sore the next two days from hitting balloons. Pathetic? Yeah...but I don't like to excercise so I'm fine with wimpy sore arms.

1 comment:

  1. Humm I'm wondering who is the boy with Sammy? You look like a beautiful brides maid!
