Wednesday, December 15, 2010


It's over.
It's really over.
Fall semester 2010.
We're excited to get our grades back.
Christian is passed out on the couch.
Perhaps I'll organize my cupboards.
Or ogranize my scrapbooking station.
Things I've abandoned all semester.
Time to breathe.
See you Saturday COLORADO.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

future plans

Lately my comm teachers have been talking to me about my future. They're too nice to me and have given me great confidence boosts! Currently my emphasis is Broadcasting, but I'd like to study Journalism. Especially after what my teachers have told me. I'm going to brag a bit here now.
Bro. B-Comm Department Chair- My favorite teacher ever! Bro B. told me: You can never stop writing. It would be such a waste of talent if you stopped. He also told me I should start freelance writing and that he expects a book/novel from me someday. He has given me full credit for multiple writing assignments this semester. I love his classes and how much he teaches me. I'm sad this is my last semester at BYU-Idaho, but I know where I want to go and what I want to do.

If Christian gets in to here (ASU):

I'll HOPEFULLY be going here:


I really hope Christian gets in to ASU, because I love going to school. I may complain at times and be stressed out, but I love what I'm studying. And I would love to go to the Cronkite school. I still love the Broadcasting field and at the Cronkite school I'd get to focus on Journalism but still get to learn about broadcasting and mass media stuff.

Friday, December 3, 2010

wish him luck...

Christian is on his way to Logan Utah right now to take the GRE.
He has been studying and preparing for this test since September.
He took a prep course this semester.
Most days he'd have regular classes:7:45-3, work 3-6, GRE class 6-10:30.
He is a faithful student and has put in so many hours.
This test will help determine which grad schools he gets into which in turn determines where we'll live for the next 6 (at least) years starting in April.
I know he will rock the exam.
Say a quick prayer for him and wish him luck!
He starts at NOON today!
(Also, pray that the roads stay clean so he can get back home tonight!)