Tuesday, July 5, 2011

the weekend

We had a great weekend! On Saturday, we went to an awesome fish store. Someday we want a tank full of clown fish.

Then we drove around and stopped wherever we pleased. I wanted to stop at the "On Auk Mor Trading Center" in Scottsdale. I was thinking it would be something cool...like a trading post for furs...or fine jewels. I was thoroughly disappointed. It was nothing more than a boring old indian smoke shop. I hate when that happens. But at least the outside of the building was cool to look at.

Then we drove through a really fancy neighborhood in Scottsdale and looked at hou$e$/man$ion$. We thought about buying this lil' beauty...but the 3 guest houses are still under construction so it might be a few months. And yes, there are really 3 guest houses that come with this.
Half of the front view:

Other half of the front view:

Side view:

So perhaps this house will do in the meantime:

Later Saturday night, we got pizza and rented a movie, and then watched fireworks downtown Mesa from the back of our pickup.

We had so much fun celebrating the 4th of July yesterday! Christian made a great friend in his architecture program so we got together with him and his wife and their 2 boys. We went swimming, had a fantastic bbq, and then went to the fireworks in Chandler.

With my American Doughnut:

Christian with his new best friend:

The fireworks were so good! But we all decided they would've been better with music.

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