Saturday, April 28, 2012

"what might have been lost..."

For our 3 year anniversary, I got Christian tickets to a DiamondBacks game.
They got their butts kicked, but it was still fun. We were in the 9th row pretty close to 3rd base. A kid jumped over the barrier right in front of us and ran on to the field during the game. Too bad he slipped and got tackled by security. There were a few fly balls in our section too, but we didn't get them.

Christian bought tickets for me as well for our anniversary.... but these were special tickets. To see Bon Iver! It was magnificent. We were down in the pit so we got to stand really close.
Feist opened for Bon Iver:
So glad I married this guy!

Studio Review

Here are pictures from Christian's Studio Review Final Presentation. He did such a great job! The panel of judges loved his project and gave him some really positive comments. He's gonna be an awesome architect pretty soon. He is now finished with his first year of graduate school! Woohoo, only two years to go......just kidding. It's 3 years to go now. He's decided to get his MBA along with his Masters, which adds on one more year for school.

hair today, gone tomorrow

The old Christian....
He said it was getting too hot for that much hair. He doesn't know how us girls do it!
Hair pile. We could've made wigs for everyone.
She was pretty concerned when he was getting his hair cut.
The new and improved, Christian!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Fairy Wings

Hello! We've been MIA lately, but thought it was probably time for an update.

Christian just had spring break last week and is now gearing up for his last few weeks of the semester. He is currently designing a library. The concept is a lantern for the city of Tempe. Here's his concept model:

I have a reason as to why I've been slacking on the blog. I started a new job this last week. My new job is at........

......wait for it..........


The Sweet Tooth Fairy!

STF has 9 locations in Utah, and they've just opened my store in Scottsdale, AZ. Here's some pictures of the fabulous treats you can get at STF:

My favorite cupcake is the Toasted Coconut.

These are the CakeBites. It's cake + frosting, dipped in chocolate. I of course, love the coconut ones. But all of them are delicious!

I got to work with Megan who is the creator of STF for the past couple of days. She is the cutest, nicest, most awesome woman. I also have a really great boss and fun girls to work with.

I'm still working at the elementary school, but I head over to STF after school everyday and stay late. I'm exhausted but it's so worth it. I really love my new job and I look forward to going to work everyday and making people happy. Here's some pictures Christian took of me during our grand opening this past week: