Sunday, June 17, 2012


After a few weeks in Oregon, we rode back to Idaho Falls with Danielle & Jordan. They let us stay at their house for the weekend until we caught our flight. Thanks for taking care of us guys! We played games, stayed up too late, ate lots of great food, and laughed way too much. We even went to the zoo! Stupid lion. Christian waited ALL DAY for you to wake up. Jordan even tried throwing things at you...or maybe that was the tiger... The boys are way too cool to smile. We got to see the Douglass family for a few minutes. They were headed out of town just as we got there so it was short but I'm still so glad we got to see them. Baby D isn't even a baby anymore! I really miss Lyndsey and wish I got to see her more often. We never made it to Rexburg so our siblings came to see us. Did I mention how cold it was there? Freezing! Good thing my sister Denise gave me an old coat of hers or I'd be frozen in a ditch somewhere. I only say I'd be frozen in a ditch because Chelsey and I once found a cat like that. I'm so glad to be home where it's nice and hot.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Time to Jetta

Today, we bought a car! We decided on a VW Jetta. We love the size and the fact that it gets awesome gas mileage. Christian's parents have owned 2 Jetta's. Christian barfed in the red one, and totaled the black one. Cross your fingers that the 3rd one's the charm! I was also just informed that Christian left CRAYONS in the back window of the red Jetta which melted everywhere. Crayons will NOT be allowed in our vehicles. Especially in Arizona. I considered kissing the gas pump when we filled her up for $40. That's a heck of a lot better than $100 which is what we used to pay every week when we had to fill up our pickup. Luckily we sold the pickup for more than we bought the Jetta, so we'll have some extra money for rent or groceries or books for school. And did you know that this is my first real car? I've drove a pickup and different SUV's. However, this is my first sedan. And I love it. It's a turbo and goes really fast very quickly. Christian keeps telling me this was a bad idea. He thinks I drive fast or something. I love the sunroof, the automatic windows, and I especially love the keyless entry. Those were all features that were missing on our pickup. Oh, and the best part about it, is that we can actually fit people in it! No more meeting our friends at places or making them drive us, because now we can just pick them up. Plus, the color is our favorite. Aint she a beaut?

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Oregon, Part 3

The Bevan's came to Oregon on Monday. Our plan was to go camping...but it never happened. I have online classes this semester and it's a pain in the butt because I have stuff due every night, so I needed internet access. It kind of ruined all of our awesome plans. So, instead we just did stuff around the house. One afternoon, we went bowling. Vince really wanted to go with us so we got him his own lane with bumpers and a ramp. He was in heaven. He loved it so much. Every time he'd knock down a pin he would start cheering and yelling. Sometimes, he'd even dance. He was hilarious to watch.

Oregon, Part 2

Since the entire family came home for Annie's graduation, we got a family picture. I love that when we go to my parents, I get to spend time with the cousins I grew up with. We went with Kory & Rebecca, Tyler & Brette & Baby A, and Genniel & Spencer to the Messenger in Nampa. It was a really cute pizza place. It was so fun, and we really liked the pizza and root beer.

Oregon, part 1

The first 5 days in Oregon, we spent lots of time with our nephews. We rode bikes, four-wheelers, the gator, jumped on the trampoline, and did lots of boy stuff.