Sunday, June 17, 2012


After a few weeks in Oregon, we rode back to Idaho Falls with Danielle & Jordan. They let us stay at their house for the weekend until we caught our flight. Thanks for taking care of us guys! We played games, stayed up too late, ate lots of great food, and laughed way too much. We even went to the zoo! Stupid lion. Christian waited ALL DAY for you to wake up. Jordan even tried throwing things at you...or maybe that was the tiger... The boys are way too cool to smile. We got to see the Douglass family for a few minutes. They were headed out of town just as we got there so it was short but I'm still so glad we got to see them. Baby D isn't even a baby anymore! I really miss Lyndsey and wish I got to see her more often. We never made it to Rexburg so our siblings came to see us. Did I mention how cold it was there? Freezing! Good thing my sister Denise gave me an old coat of hers or I'd be frozen in a ditch somewhere. I only say I'd be frozen in a ditch because Chelsey and I once found a cat like that. I'm so glad to be home where it's nice and hot.


  1. You look so good! How fun you got to come back to Idaho for a bit! We are right here in Idaho Falls so we'll have to get together next time your in town and catch up! :)

    1. Thanks Haley. I totally forgot you live in Idaho Falls too! Yes, I'll have to look you up next time. Sadie is so adorable and I love looking at your blog. Do you by chance still have a couple of my Shopoholic books? If so, email/text me your number or address sometime. My sisters go to school at BYU-I and could pick them up. My phone number is 720-217-3446 or you can email me at Thanks!
