Sunday, July 15, 2012

Happy 27th Birthday Christian

Happy birthday to my Chrissy. I always tell him he's the best husband I've ever had. But seriously. He is. When I get home from work late at night, he always rubs my feet and cooks me dinner....even when I get home at midnight. He's very smart and extremely talented when it comes to architecture. He's going to be a very successful architect in a few years, but an even better father someday. No, I'm not announcing anything. I'm just saying. He loves his nieces and nephews and has fun being with all the kids.

Thankfully Christian is the easiest person to shop for. There are only a few things he really loves: music, video games, architecture supplies, vans, and anything with wheels. I really wanted to get him the BMW he's always wanted...but I'll need to sell a few more cupcakes before I can buy that. So, this year I went with video games.
For his birthday, we had Tyler & Steph's family over for taco bar and pie. It poured during dinner which made his birthday even better. It was cool enough to leave our door open all day.
Since we have cupcakes all the time now, I decided to make asphalt pie instead. It was deeeeelicious.
These girls love their Uncle Chrissy

After they left we went on a bike ride and the weather was incredible. The sunsets in Arizona are so beautiful. It was a perfect day. Happy birthday Christian! I love you!

If you're still reading, here's a few secrets about Christian.

1. He never gets angry. He was raised by a wonderful father who never, not even once yelled at any of the children or Christian's mom growing up. Like his dad, Christian doesn't get worked up about stupid little things, or even big things. He always says that by getting angry, it's not going to solve the problem.

2. He's almost OCD about cleanliness and organization. He washes his hands about 15 times a day. All of his drawers, especially his sock drawer, are perfectly organized. He makes sure that our car never goes a week without being washed and vacuumed thoroughly.

3. Christian loves to be weird with me. Sometimes we make up games or competitions that only the Bevan's would understand. Like the one night we spent hours trying to run towards one another, then jump and kiss in midair. It's really hard. Or when we try to run while swinging your right arm with your right leg and your left arm with your left leg. That one's hard too. I think I might have to post of video of that one. I've always done weird stuff that I think is funny and I'm so glad to be married to someone that plays along. I don't have to hold back or be afraid of getting embarrassed.

4. Christian is perfect for me. That's probably not a secret though.


  1. 5. He's a totally awesome brother.

  2. HARPY BIRFDAY CHRISTIAN! Okay so we've tried the running and kissing one, as I'm sure we've told you, but we need to try this right arm right leg thing. A video would be helpful as we'd love to learn from the experienced folk first. It sounds like he had a great day! Wish we could've been there. Jordan would've liked a farty party.
