Sunday, July 26, 2009

School's out forever! Well...for 7 weeks at least!

Finally we finished summer semester! This is where we brag and tell you how we both got straight A's...we were our teachers favorites...we got 110% on all of our finals...yes, all of the above is very true. But really, we worked our butts off this semester and we finally get to put our feet up and relax. We start fall semester Sept. we get a nice long break. Anyways, while I was at work today Christian suprised me and cooked an awesome dinner. He made sticky rice and some marinated chicken with veggies. It was delicious! I think he should cook more often.

After we ate dinner and sat around for awhile, we decided to go for a ride on our scooter. We headed to Jamba Juice and on the way it started pouring. Not just raining...or trickeling...but a complete down pour. Christian pulled over under a tree cause he couldn't see where he was going so I took over and drove while he put his face behind my back safe from the wind and rain. I was so brave. We made it to Jamba, and when we walked in the people working just started laughing. It looked like we just jumped into a swimming pool. We still got Jamba even though we were freezing, and yes, I drove us home.

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