Monday, April 12, 2010

1 Year Anniversary

One year already. We can't believe it. Time has gone so fast. I could say things about how we're still in so much love and how perfect our relationship is...but I don't feel like making everyone vomit. Plus, everyone already knows we're perfect :)

The first suprise for our Anniversary was of course, cupcakes from our favorite place! We at them all weekend!

On Friday we went Downtown Denver and checked into the Burnsley Hotel. When we first pulled up, it looked like we were going to be staying at a crack house. I immediatly started appologizing to Christian and saying how next year he should choose the hotel. Luckily, looks can be decieving, cause it turned out to be pretty nice.
While checking in, "Bud" gave us a free upgrade to a 1 bedroom suite, plus gave us some free vouchers for room service. WE NEVER GET THIS LUCKY! We should've played the lottery that night. Our suite was fun! We had a great view of the city, balcony, and a full sized kitchen.

On Friday night, we went to dinner at PF Changs. So great! We even had enough left overs for lunch on Saturday! Score.

After dinner on Friday, we opened gifts. Christian got me some really cute burlap Toms. I made him a rolodex of the story of how we met. Stacy gives me the best ideas! I also gave him a shirt and tickets to the Denver Auto Show.

On Saturday morning, we went to the capitol building. It was all closed up for the day so we didn't get to go inside. We took advantage of the free shuttle service from our hotel and went to the 16th street mall. We spent alot of time at the Tattered Cover bookstore which was awesome.

Saturday night we walked to the Rockies game. It was so much fun! First we had lemonade and nachos. Then we had hotdogs and french fries. We aren't even Rockies fans, but we sure acted like it. We got up and danced every time they hit a home run, cheered for every play, and even boo'd along with the crowd. The game went into 14 innings, but we left during the 12th because it was so cold.

On Sunday, we slept in late and then went to the Denver Auto Show. It was great and we saw lots of cool cars. I really wanted to steal the diesel VW Golf. It's so awesome. It's so small, I probably could've just folded it up into my pocket. On the outside of the building where the Auto show was, they have a huge blue bear peeking inside.

Friday, April 9, 2010

pirate vs. civilian

Meet my brother Randy.
Today Randy called me. This was our conversation:
Me: ...yeah, I bought Christian a cool shirt for our anniversary.
Randy: A ship?
Me: A shirt.
Randy: Oh.
......a pirate ship? Or a civilian ship?
Me: A shirt. Not a ship.
Randy: Oh. Well, what kind of ship would you buy? A pirate or civilian?
Me: I wouldn't buy a ship.
Randy: Well if you bought one, which one would you buy? A pirate or civilian?
Me: It doesn't matter because I didn't buy a ship.
Randy: I know! But what kind would you buy? Pirate or civilian?
Me: I wouldn't buy a ship.
Randy:Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii know! But does Christian want anything aquatic like?
Me: He wants a wakeboarding boat one day.
Randy: What kind? A pirate boat or a civilian boat?
Me: I don't know. Civilian I guess.
Randy: Good. Cause it's bad to buy pirate ships.
Me: Oh.
Randy: I have to go.
Thanks for the advice Rand. I'll make sure any future ship I purchase is civilian and not pirate.
Good thing Randy's married to Kiah who is awesome and keeps Randy in his place.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

For your information...

The Jesus beard is still goin strong. WWJD? He'd comb it. He'd make it beautiful. And then He'd high five Christian and say, "Twins dude! Way to go!"

On Saturdays we pretend to be rich and go to car dealerships and test drive cars. How can they reject these faces? I have to play the "spoiled brat wife" who wants the nicest car in the lot. While Christian plays the "extremely whipped husband" who gives his wife whatever she wants. Little do they know, we don't have more than $30 in our bank account. Then we leave and say, "HAHAHA! They actually thought we were going to buy a car! Hahaha, we're funny."

It's our 1 Year Anniversary next Saturday. We expect lots of gifts. (Just kidding)
Or are we kidding???

Fiiiiiiine, we're kidding, you don't have to get us gifts. Jeeeeeeze.

This is a box I covered. It's not really for the birds. It just says that. It's for our mail. Or something else.