Saturday, May 15, 2010

Finally an update...

We've been very busy which is why I haven't updated in a long time. The last week we lived in Colorado, we had great weather, of course right when we're leaving. We attempted to go on bike rides. This usually resulted in me complaining about how much my body hurt or saying how I HATE to ride bikes. (Only because 80% of the rides were uphill....these were no leisure bike rides)

Good thing my husband is skilled at everything he tries so he completely makes up for my lacking skills in the biking department.


we moved to Rexburg on April 19th. Stacy drove her car up with us (THANK YOU!!!) because we have so much crap. Then Doug flew in a few days later. Of course Stacy spoiled us all week and bought us dinner and helped me find fabulous furniture from DI that I've been re-painting and making it all look good.
This is where I found the men of course.

Oh scooter. How you've been missed. And yes, the Jesus beard had to go. Darn BYU-Idaho. They should SUPPORT look-alikes. Jeesh.

And this is our apartment. It's our first good, clean, reasonably sized place. We love it! We live on the 3rd floor (boooooo....exercising....boooooo) and this is what you see when you come in our front door.
This is our living room. I want to put up curtains but I'm waiting til we go to my mom's at the end of the month so she can make them. (Yep mom, i bet you didn't know that...) But we'll have to figure out a way to hang them up because we've already put 5 holes in the wall which is all we are allowed until they charge us $50 per hole. Lame. Also, going by the big "H" on the wall is going to be a cute poster sized picture of us. I'm saving up some extra change to do it sometime this semester.

Me and Stacy found this birdcage at DI. I wanted to paint it a cute color like teal, but did it black for now. Plus, they don't sell cool colors of spray paint here. And pleeeeease don't look at all of the homework on the ground. Oh! And Stacy, you will notice the coffee table is black now! Not that hideous gold!

This is our bedroom. We don't have any storage space here so I had to imrpovise and instead of buying bedside tables, we're using our storage containers full of storage items. Trashy? Maybe. Christian suggested his sister Steph make us some "cooler cozy's" for them. But of course they'd be "container cozy's." At least that's 2 less pieces of actual furniture we'll have to move in 1 year!

This is the kitchen. It has lots of space for everything! I have empty cupboards still because there's actually room! It's so great. And I love love love the dishwasher. I am so thankful for it.

Our dining area with our volcom table and chairs.

And finally! OUR OWN WASHER AND DRYER! We love them. I kiss them everyday. And back there is our bathroom. It's too small to take a picture of.

But I do have a picture of the shower curtain! Stacy bought it for us! We love it!

School keeps us very busy. We just hit 4 weeks so we both had tests this week. The weather here is finally turning warm. It was 75ish today and supposed to be warm all week. I'm playing in the competitive volleyball league again. It's so much fun and my team is great! I'm on it with 2 of my very best friends. Christian still works on campus as a ticket usher. He's always doing homework or at school. We're trying to get our scooter to work again so pray for us. We miss that thing. Especially on hot days like today.

1 comment:

  1. <3 the shower curtain! I'm sad that you dropped COMM 150 :( I have a paper with everyone's first impressions of you that I'm supposed to give to you. Are you in 65th ward anymore? I'm guessing not cuz it looks like you're in Center Street Apartments or someplace similar. Let me know if I can meet you on campus or somewhere to give it to you. <3 your blog and adventures! Miss having you as my visiting teacher! Hope to see you soon!
