We celebrated my 22nd Birthday a few weeks ago. It was so great! Christian got me a certificate for a real message! I'm so excited to use it! My sister Stevie made me a cute scarf and apron, and my sister Denise made me a scarf, bracelet and necklace. My MIL Stacy spoiled me! She gave me a candle, sewing stuff, and a gift card. My sister in law Steph got me a scarf and earrings! My mom bought me a sewing machine, but gave it to me early in September for my birthday. As you can see, I got lots of great gifts! On my birthday, I woke up to Christian making me pancakes. Pretty awesome! We got to spend some time together and go to dinner a few times that weekend.

Christian has been riding the scooter to school so that I can drive the pick up. It's been raining a lot lately and the other night, he came in literally dripping wet. Poor guy. I felt bad. But I also laughed because he was drenched.

This is Sam. I met her back in summer of 2007 here at BYU-Idaho. She instantly became one of my best friends as was a roommate too! I love her so much! She leaves on her mission this week and she came to Rexburg to say goodbye! See you soon Sister Norton! We love you!

Yay! An update! Haha I got so excited when I saw you had a new post. It sounds like you had a fun birthday! You look cute in that picture. And poor Christian- thats pretty funny though. Well I hope you guys are doing good in school. We miss you!