Friday, October 22, 2010

Ryann sounds like a boys name...

This semester, I'm in the advanced media writing class with my favorite teacher Bro. B. One of our assignments this semester is to blog everyday. He provides us with daily prompts, and we have to put in 15 minutes of writing. I found my class blog for today was worthy for a re-post to this blog.


Prompt:"If you wrote the movie of your life, which actor would play you, and why?"

Blog answer: Well, I'd have to choose an actor that has freckles, a bowlcut, and is probably a boy. That's because growing up, I looked like a boy.

I always had (and yes, wanted, and pleaded) a boy hair cut. People use to tell me how cute of a boy I was, and my mom would say, "No...Ryann's a girl." Thanks for the boys name too Mom, that really seemed to help the situation.

Almost all of my clothes came from the little boys section at Gap. I would get shirts that said football or basketball on them. And hideous cargo pants that zipped off at different lenghts.

I loved getting new Nikes at the beginning of each school year. On recess, the girls would be cheerleaders and the boys played football. I of course, would play football. I didn't have many girl friends.

In 4th grade when all the girls thought wearing a bra was cool, I told them, "You're all stupid. And you don't even have boobs yet." Then they told me I was a boy. I didn't care though. Cause I had lots of boy friends to back me up.

Sometimes when I'd wake up, my face looked like one giant freckle. I was covered. At some point they started to disappear. I still have some, they're just not as noticeable on my face anymore.

Finally in 6th grade, I started dressing more like a girl. I still played sports with the boys, but at least I looked like a girl. And I grew my hair out. What was wrong with me? And worse, what was wrong with my mother?

I'm in the middle. On the left is cousin Chels, on the right is cousin Genniel. I should also let you know, Chelsey also had boy haircuts. We always did what the other one did or thought was cool. That's why I love her so much.

I apologize for the short paragraphs that might be annoying to you to read. But I can't help it anymore. I've been transformed into a broadcast-journalist-newswriting-maniac. And. I. Love. It.

1 comment:

  1. you're totally hilarious. funny funny.
    p.s. I {heart} bowl-cuts!
