Monday, February 28, 2011


6 is a good number.
You can buy beverages in a 6-pack.

Hello? My abs? Well...okay, maybe not quite a 6-pack, but let's pretend.
The 25 cent gum packs now have 6 pieces instead of 5...(unless that's just a campus thing?)
A small carton of eggs has 6.

Oh, and we only have 6 weeks left in Rexburg, Idaho.
I should shout it from the roof tops.
6 weeks until Christian graduates!

Only 6 more weeks of cold, snow, bitterness, and negative temperatures!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

In case you haven't heard...

Last week Christian was accepted into the 3+ Masters of Architecture program at Arizona State University!

I was at my parents house in Oregon when he recieved the news in Rexburg. He called me screaming with excitement. He's worked very hard to get in and I'm so proud of him!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Weekend

We've been celebrating Valentine's day all month so far. I've been making lots of decorations that will probably stay up for a while. On Saturday we hosted a party with with two other married couples. We had great food, treats, chocolate fondue, games, and lots of belly-hurting-laughter. We had a very entertaining valentine exchange and stayed up way too late.

For Valentine's Day, I cooked a "fancy" dinner. I let Christian choose whatever he wanted. So we had shrimp scampi, garlic bread, salad and "cupcake cafe" cupcakes. It was fun to just be at home with Christian. He got me lots of new kitchen things I've been wanting like a pastry blender and a new can opener. I made him a canvas with some wedding pictures and bought him a giant hershey's kiss. He ate most of it in one bite. I love Christian. He's my best friend and we laugh about everything and always have fun together.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

another project

Inspired by my friend Taylor, my living room shelf now looks like this:

Thanks for the cute ideas Taylor! Keep em' comin.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Since I still don't have a job, nor do I go to school, all I've been wanting to do is make stuff for Valentine's Day. I've been trying to use things that I already have so I'm not spending money.

So far, I've been able to make a wreath:

I re-covered my "love" blocks Stacy gave me:

I decorated some plain $1 candles from Winco. The base they're sitting on is a chunk of styrofoam from something we purchased a long time ago. I just painted it pink and added some ribbon:

My favorite project was making my countdown calendar on the back of a baking sheet that's been sitting in a box for 2 years. The giant red sparkly heart is a magnet that marks which day we're on: