Tuesday, June 21, 2011

City Folk

Last night Christian taught me how to ride the light rail. We rode it downtown and back. He taught me because I had an interview this morning downtown and I wasn't sure how to get there by train.


This morning, all by myself, I walked to the train station.

Put in my card.

Waited for ticket to print...what?? Card rejected? This can't be right. Tried again. Rejected. Take 3? Rejected.

The train then announced, (yes..the train can talk) "Leaving in 1 minute." Curse words. Now I'm freaking out. I called Christian twice. He didn't answer. So I screamed (quietly...but kind of loud) "Answer your damn phone Christian!" Then he called back. "Calm down Ryann. Try the other machine." Tried it. Ticket printing.

Sigh...that was a close one...ohhhh shizballs. The train is now leaving. Hurry and print you stupid ticket machine. Now with tears running down my face, or maybe it was just sweat, I blubbered "The train is gone now! I'm going to be late for my interview!"

At some point I even think I said, "I'm losing it Christian! I can't keep it together!"

Christian said, get on the other train. The one on the other side of the platform. It goes to the same place and leaves in 5 minutes. This is just one reason I like him so much. He's ALWAYS calm no matter how stressful the situation.

So I got on and 2 stops later, guess who jumped on? Christian did! He was on his way to school and quickly rode his bike to the next stop to get on with me.

He jumped off at school and I continued on my journey. From there, everything went great. And I didn't even have problems coming home!

I love the light rail now. It's fabulous and I don't have to worry about parking. And a summer pass is only $25! Woohoo. I'm really liking this city stuff.

OH, and PS, don't sit backward on the light rail. When I got to my interview, I almost barfed.


  1. Oh Ryann you crack me up. Thanks for the much needed laugh!

  2. Ryann, I love you. You're hilarious!

  3. Yet another way our husbands are twins. In stressful situations, I flip a B and he acts like he's in the middle of serious meditation. What?!?!

    P.S. Let me know how your interview goes!
