Sunday, October 9, 2011

we're still alive

We celebrated my birthday last week. For the last 3 years, I've been watching the same infomercial. I know it's weird, but I just couldn't take my eyes off it. I'd watch it over and over and think, "one day I'll buy that." It was for Wen hair care. (I bet you were all thinking I wanted those Pajama Jeans, huh?) Anyway, for my birthday, Stacy got me (along with lots of other great stuff) a bottle of the Wen shampoo/conditioner. AND this wasn't just any kind of Wen. It's the Fall Ginger Pumpkin Wen. It smells so good, I'm tempted to taste it every time I shower. So now not only does my hair look and feel delicious, but it smells delicious too! Now I can proudly say, "I'm Ryann Hulme...and I'm a Wen girl." Click HERE if you have no idea what I'm talking about. It was a very fun birthday!

I love Halloween. Some might even say I'm obsessed with it. Talking with my sister in law Steph tonight, I realized it's the only holiday I really decorate for. I've always loved it. I was so excited to decorate for it this year because I started early on a few projects. My sister Denise sent me a whole box of great decorations for my birthday.

My simple wreathe. One of my bats was not cooperating.

This banner was so fun to make!

Christian has been very busy this week working on a big project. He had to design a house that also includes two offices for a client and then build a model of it. He is almost finished and has done a really great job on it. Look at the details in the kitchen portion! Amazing.


  1. 1. I love your Halloween decorations.
    2. What is this house? A house for ants? How can clients live and work there if they can't even fit inside the building? (If you haven't seen Zoolander, then I feel stupid.)
    3. I LOVE WEN! I saw it once and could not stop watching. They had redheaded twin sisters on there. One used Wen and the other didn't and the one who did had the prettiest hair ever. The other one was scraggly. After watching, I wanted to be the redheaded Wen sister so bad. I have a portrait of her on my wall actually.


  2. I'm the worst friend, I didn't even text you on your birthday. Sorry. Happy late birthday. I have never heard of WEN. I laughed out loud at all that though. Fun to get something you have wanted for so long! I love your Decorations. And wish I had the drive to make them. I also with we lived closer! We would love to hang out with you guys more!

  3. Sounds and looks like it was fun :) cute blog. Loving the halloweenish feel going on!
