Sunday, October 16, 2011


Here is Christian's finished model.

A few months ago, Christian made a wallet out of Tyvek (one of those tear-proof mailing envelopes) It was pretty cool and he got lots of compliments on it. This weekend, he wanted to make a better one. So he did:

Pretty cool huh? He drew on it with Sharpies and sewed it instead of taping it this time. I want him to make me one. Now, I just need to find a cool design.

Currently, it's Monopoly time at McDonald's and we are obsessed. Christian's friends at school even give us their games pieces because they know about our little addiction. We love having an excuse to grab a Coke from McDonald's everyday. Plus, we're really, really close to winning some BIG prizes.


  1. What the heck? That is the sweetest model ever! Is that our future home you're building for us that will be worth a billion dollars? Excellent. And the wallet is sweet too. He's gonna have to make a bigger one when your filthy rich from his awesome designs.

    gossip girl

  2. Tad and I love the building. Go Christian! Thanks for playing McDonalds monopoly I own like 11 shares in stock for Mickey-D's!
