Monday, January 23, 2012

An ode to the Fry

This is Fry...

She works very hard as a clerk at an elementary school, a softball coach and a TA for a communication class.

The girls really look up to her.

Sometimes she likes to dance.

She's a really good cook.

She always looks pretty.

Sometimes she gets scared.

Ryann makes me happy.

Thanks for everything you do. I love you!


  1. Did Christian really do this? THAT IS SO CUTE! I love it. Seriously, so cute. Fun that you coach softball! I bet you are a great, fun coach.

  2. Aww this is the best post ever! And yes, you are the best! (I hope Christian wrote this and it wasn't just you bragging about yourself haha jk). You guys are the cutest :) Love and miss you Ryann!
