Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Last month...

Where did September go? I can't believe summer is over.

At the end of August, Christian went to Australia for a few weeks. He is in his final year of grad school so his entire studio group went to Australia to study the health care system built for the indigenous people there. The group will apply the learned concepts as they plan and then eventually build a wellness center for a Native American tribe here in Phoenix. Typically, studio projects are hypothetical, but this one will actually be built sometime next year. It's so awesome to see Christian working as a real architect, with a real project. 

After Christian got back, we took a day trip to Sedona with his parents and the Bowen's. I love Sedona so much. It was beautiful and the weather was so cool. It's always a nice little break from Phoenix.
We celebrated my 25th Birthday last week. Christian spoiled me with some great gifts. For dinner, we went to Benihana with Bowen's. Other than that, our month was filled with lots of studying and tests. We are now half way through fall semester and are looking forward to the Holidays.


  1. It was SO good to see you this past weekend, if only for just a little while! You are seriously one of the sweetest, cutest girls around. You look so happy and content, too, so I'm happy for you! When we left, Taylor said, "I wish Ryann lived closer! I love her!" Just wanted you to know that even people outside of your family love and miss you, too! Hope you have a great time while you're home!

    1. Oh stop. It's YOUR family that is full of the sweetest, cutest girls :) I already miss everyone there, but it's nice to be back in Phoenix. No matter how long I stay at my parents, it's never enough time. It was great seeing you as well.
