Saturday, November 22, 2014

Pregnancy: Weeks 21-27

WEEK 21: I felt pretty good until I went in for my appointment that week. I was feeling so extremely nauseated during my appointment. I had to jump up and run out of the room. As soon as I made it to the bathroom, I couldn't hold it anymore and I projectile barfed ALL OVER the doctor's office bathroom. It was so embarrassing and I cleaned up as well as I could. I asked the nurse for some sanitizer spray but she couldn't find it. She laughed at me and reminded me where I was and told me they've seen it all and I had nothing to worry about. 

WEEK 22: We decided to get out of town for a little day trip. We went up to Flagstaff to see the colors and it was beautiful! This was a pretty good week for me.

WEEK 23: Christian went to NYC for the week with the M.Red students. I was really able to start distinguishing actual baby movements and I felt like my stomach finally "popped." I still was having nausea every day but as long as I took my wonderful promethazine pill, I felt great. 

WEEK 24: It was good to have Christian back home. It was a good week for me. School started getting really busy and I was ready to stop working or at least begin phasing out of the schedule. I spent some time helping to get the store turned over to new managers who happen to be my best friends :) We all went to the Arizona State Fair. We all tried getting onto the wimpy chair lift that takes you across the fairgrounds because we were all tired of walking (especially me!) But they kicked me off! The guy came up to Christian and told him pregnant women weren't allowed to ride it. It isn't even a ride! It's a chair lift! I cheated on my diet majorly at the fair and had: Lemonade, deep fried oreos, funnel cake, corn dog, chili cheese fries....all of it was so so so good.

WEEK 25/26ish: I was starting to feel great especially since I wasn't working anymore so I didn't need to be on my feet for 6 - 8 hours a day. We went to the Phoenix Temple open house, and celebrated Halloween as Paulie and Juno of course, very appropriate costumes with a pregnant belly. The only negative at the end of my 2nd trimester were the 4 excruciating painful days that I had....(dare I say????).....hemorrhoids. I will save you the gross details, but I couldn't walk, sit, stand, or lay die without sobbing. Luckily my doctor called in a prescription and it cleared them right up :)

Saturday, November 1, 2014

20 Weeks: Gender Reveal Party

Since this is our first, we wanted the gender reveal to be memorable. So, after our ultrasound, we had the technician write down whether baby Hulme was a boy or a girl. After the ultrasound, I had to run over to my doctor's office for some paperwork and we had his assistant call my friend Brooke at Sweet Tooth Fairy. Brooke made us a cake with the gender hidden inside to bring to our party.
That night we had a small group of friends and family over for some food and the gender reveal. I wrote everyone's names on the balloons that made a guess for the baby gender. About 70% said boy, so I thought for sure my instincts were right. But as you know, I was TOTALLY off. Christian was right. Baby Hulme is a girl :) And shopping for her has been non stop!
Best girlfriends and co-workers ever!
Only a few people were right on guessing baby Hulme's gender. 

Pregnancy: Weeks 12 - 16

At this point in my pregnancy, I was put on promethazine. It is so wonderful, as long as I would take it on the exact half hour I was supposed to. So, if I ever slept in, or took a little afternoon nap and missed my time, I would typically throw up a few times that day. I just had to be really strict with myself. The only thing that was getting progressively worse was my back pain. It's only in my lower left side of my back, right above my butt. I have such a hard time rolling over in bed and getting up after sitting or laying. There's not much I can do about it though. 

Around 14 weeks we got to fly out to the East coast for our Summer 2014 vacation with the Bevan's. We spent most of our time with them in Connecticut, but did some trips to Boston and Rhode Island. It was such a fun trip! We ate lots of good food, watched movies, played so many games, and almost died from laughing too much. We sure have missed them and loved meeting their little guy. We were lucky that he liked us from the get-go and he had Christian wrapped around his finger. I felt pretty great during our trip, I was just really tired the whole time. (Sorry Bevan's! I was probably a poop to be with!) It was such a fun trip to see the best people in the world! Thank you so much for having us!




Yale, AKA Hogwarts:

By 16 weeks, I was still having a bad day every now and then, but this is when I first started thinking I could *possibly* feel the baby move. But I wasn't sure what to be looking for, so most of the time I couldn't figure out if it was just air or baby. Also, I kept referring to our baby as a "him." I felt like it was a boy but Christian thought it was a girl.