Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Time for Thai

One of our favorite things to do is eat. One of our favorite things to eat is Thai food. We both could eat it everyday, probably for every meal. On Friday night, Doug & Stacy took us out to eat at Thai Basil. This is about the 5th different Thai place we have tried. Christian always orders the Pad-Kee-Mow or Drunken Noodles. I always order the Pad-See-Eew, or in the case of Thai Basil, Pad-See-Lew. We love to compare each resturant we try.

Christian's favorite dish: Pad-Kee-Mow. It has a delicious flavor and is nice and spicy. He usually orders it with beef.

My favorite, the Pad-See-Eew. It's not spicy at all, but has the best sauce you will ever try. It's best with chicken.

Thai Basil was very good and easily slips into our #2 Best Thai place.
Our #1 most favorite Thai food is found at Original Thai in Rexburg, Idaho. The ladies know our order as soon as we walk in the door because it's always the same. At Original Thai, not only do we order our favorite dishes, but the most amazing sticky rice that comes in little woven basket containers.
If you are hungry and looking for something new to try, order our favorites. They are awesome and you will easily be addicted.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


hap-py [hap-ee]
-adjective, -pi -er, -pi -est.
1. delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing: to be happy to see a person
Right now we are very happy. This morning we recieved a phone call from a Construction Company who offered Christian an internship! He will be working on a project in Erie which is about a 1hour drive everyday. He will be working M-F's 7am-3:30pm. The project is a county water-treatment facility where he'll be doing concrete.
Today he had to go into their office and fill out paperwork and pass a drug test. Then we went and bought him some work gloves.
He starts tomorrow and that is why we are so happy!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blogging? Now? About what?

My mom called me today and told me I needed to update my blog. What am I supposed to blog about? I have no idea. Oh wait. Okay. The following events are for pure entertainment and may not be entirely true.

3 weeks ago we moved to Colorado. After 99 applications, Christian had landed what looked like a great internship. Then, the man decided, "No....I'm too poor even though I just bought 3million dollars worth of cars...bla bla bla...I don't want to give you an internship....I have 7 houses around the world."
To that man I say: I'm glad I have 2 eyebrows...because you only own 1...which looks like a cotton ball spread out.

Not giving Christian that internship isn't a big deal. I mean, it only makes him unable to sign up for classes next semester since the internship is a prerequisite, and he is kicked off of fast grad which means we'll be at school for 2 extra semesters. But whatever. No biggie. Not to mention, we have no income since I can't get a job.

I've been so busy being a Real Housewife of Denver. My daily routine goes as follows:
10:00am Wake up. Look at clock. Go back to sleep.
11:00am Get up.
11:15am Eat breakfast.
11:30am Attempt to go running with Rex (dog) around the neighborhood.
12:00pm Drag Rex home since he's too tired to keep going.
12:30pm Shower and NOT get ready. Leave hair wet, untamed, wild. No makeup. Bra? Who wears a bra these days?
1:00pm Watch TV. This is the hardest part of my day. I have to search and search and SEARCH for someting to watch. It makes me sweat and gives my body a strenuous workout.
5:00pm Take a nap.
6:00pm Eat and watch TV.
10:30pm Watch Conan...which is going off air on Friday. This makes me really really angry. I feel like I should start a rally or something, but as you can see my days are WAY too busy.
11:30pm Go to sleep

As you can see, I work hard everyday. I just need to feel appreciated.

Hahahaha, just kidding. Christian and I are doing fine. We're both just searching for jobs right now just so we can go back to school with a little bit of money. We got called to be Primary teachers. I have the CTR 6 class and he has the Valiant 9 class. Pray for us that we find jobs!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

a new project

My sister Denise told me about a new way to do vintage looking canvas's. It was such a fun project! I used a picture of my in-laws holding hands that I had taken a few months ago. It was a really different way of doing a canvas because this one you put the picture face down and then peel it up after 24 hours of drying. It turned out pretty cool I thought.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

finally some pictures...

Christian and I moved to Littleton Colorado this past week. We spread the drive over two days so it didn't seem that long. Christian has some internship opportunities and I'm just applying for jobs anywhere and everywhere so we can save up some money. We haven't posted pictures in a while so here's some things we've been up to.

I hosted Jen's bridal shower in November with our closest friends.
At the end of the semester, we went to Jen & Trevors wedding in Utah. It was so fun to see our friends one last time before Summer semester starts.

We spent Christmas with my family in Oregon.

Christian opening his exciting Christmas present from me. A paper frame! It was a new tv, I just didn't want to pay to ship it from Colorado since we were moving to Colorado a week later.
Just what we wanted, a stuffed cat. We took a family photo as soon as we opened her.

Friday, January 1, 2010


It's a new year. I have worked at 2 different gyms in the past 3 years and always enjoyed seeing new members sign up while I listened to their New Years Resolutions. These are the top 2 resolutions I would hear, but I will give you the real definition to each.

1. Lose Weight. (Real Definition: "I want to scarf every cookie, piece of candy, burger, fry, or greasy doughnut I come in contact with. I just don't want to have consequences for eating them. AND, I'm really only planning on using this new gym membership for the month of January.")

2. Save Money (Real Definition: "I'm going to open that new credit card at the bank because it comes with a free iPod. And can you believe that sale at the mall! Spend $100 and get a coupon for $5.00! It's like getting paid to shop! Plus, I really need those new shoes...and that top...and maybe some new jewlery too...")

These people aren't the only one's who have failed on resolutions. I have an old journal I kept with my new years goals from when I was 7, 10, 11, & 12.

Failed: New Years 1995- Find out by praying, if OJ Simpson was guilty or not.
Failed: New Years 1998- Play in the WNBA after High School.
Failed: New Years 1999- Get married to Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys.
Failed: New Years 2000- Become a famous singer/songwriter/actress/basketball player.

I was weird and I had really odd dreams and goals. And I use to have a boy haircut and I was obsessed with basketball. And with a name like "Ryan," it got a little confusing at times.

It's a great thing that not all goals are achieved!