Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blogging? Now? About what?

My mom called me today and told me I needed to update my blog. What am I supposed to blog about? I have no idea. Oh wait. Okay. The following events are for pure entertainment and may not be entirely true.

3 weeks ago we moved to Colorado. After 99 applications, Christian had landed what looked like a great internship. Then, the man decided, "No....I'm too poor even though I just bought 3million dollars worth of cars...bla bla bla...I don't want to give you an internship....I have 7 houses around the world."
To that man I say: I'm glad I have 2 eyebrows...because you only own 1...which looks like a cotton ball spread out.

Not giving Christian that internship isn't a big deal. I mean, it only makes him unable to sign up for classes next semester since the internship is a prerequisite, and he is kicked off of fast grad which means we'll be at school for 2 extra semesters. But whatever. No biggie. Not to mention, we have no income since I can't get a job.

I've been so busy being a Real Housewife of Denver. My daily routine goes as follows:
10:00am Wake up. Look at clock. Go back to sleep.
11:00am Get up.
11:15am Eat breakfast.
11:30am Attempt to go running with Rex (dog) around the neighborhood.
12:00pm Drag Rex home since he's too tired to keep going.
12:30pm Shower and NOT get ready. Leave hair wet, untamed, wild. No makeup. Bra? Who wears a bra these days?
1:00pm Watch TV. This is the hardest part of my day. I have to search and search and SEARCH for someting to watch. It makes me sweat and gives my body a strenuous workout.
5:00pm Take a nap.
6:00pm Eat and watch TV.
10:30pm Watch Conan...which is going off air on Friday. This makes me really really angry. I feel like I should start a rally or something, but as you can see my days are WAY too busy.
11:30pm Go to sleep

As you can see, I work hard everyday. I just need to feel appreciated.

Hahahaha, just kidding. Christian and I are doing fine. We're both just searching for jobs right now just so we can go back to school with a little bit of money. We got called to be Primary teachers. I have the CTR 6 class and he has the Valiant 9 class. Pray for us that we find jobs!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like we live similar daily schedule. The last month I have called myself a Real Housewife of DC as my internship ended before Christmas and am too looking for a job! Here's hoping for both of us!
