Friday, January 1, 2010


It's a new year. I have worked at 2 different gyms in the past 3 years and always enjoyed seeing new members sign up while I listened to their New Years Resolutions. These are the top 2 resolutions I would hear, but I will give you the real definition to each.

1. Lose Weight. (Real Definition: "I want to scarf every cookie, piece of candy, burger, fry, or greasy doughnut I come in contact with. I just don't want to have consequences for eating them. AND, I'm really only planning on using this new gym membership for the month of January.")

2. Save Money (Real Definition: "I'm going to open that new credit card at the bank because it comes with a free iPod. And can you believe that sale at the mall! Spend $100 and get a coupon for $5.00! It's like getting paid to shop! Plus, I really need those new shoes...and that top...and maybe some new jewlery too...")

These people aren't the only one's who have failed on resolutions. I have an old journal I kept with my new years goals from when I was 7, 10, 11, & 12.

Failed: New Years 1995- Find out by praying, if OJ Simpson was guilty or not.
Failed: New Years 1998- Play in the WNBA after High School.
Failed: New Years 1999- Get married to Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys.
Failed: New Years 2000- Become a famous singer/songwriter/actress/basketball player.

I was weird and I had really odd dreams and goals. And I use to have a boy haircut and I was obsessed with basketball. And with a name like "Ryan," it got a little confusing at times.

It's a great thing that not all goals are achieved!


  1. I love this post!! I was reading this in the library and I started laughing so hard at your failed resolutions. People looked at me weird. I am going to miss you terribly until you come back to Rexburg.

  2. Funny, Ryann!!! I miss you and Christian being here. Hope you're having fun.
    Love you, MOM

  3. I absolutely love your concluding thought! Will you be heading this way anytime soon? Happy New Year to you and Christian!
