Sunday, January 10, 2010

finally some pictures...

Christian and I moved to Littleton Colorado this past week. We spread the drive over two days so it didn't seem that long. Christian has some internship opportunities and I'm just applying for jobs anywhere and everywhere so we can save up some money. We haven't posted pictures in a while so here's some things we've been up to.

I hosted Jen's bridal shower in November with our closest friends.
At the end of the semester, we went to Jen & Trevors wedding in Utah. It was so fun to see our friends one last time before Summer semester starts.

We spent Christmas with my family in Oregon.

Christian opening his exciting Christmas present from me. A paper frame! It was a new tv, I just didn't want to pay to ship it from Colorado since we were moving to Colorado a week later.
Just what we wanted, a stuffed cat. We took a family photo as soon as we opened her.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the laugh this morning, Ryann!
    The stuffed cat was so hilarious/plus a little creepy (sorry to whoever made it), but your expression was priceless! You two always look like you're having such a fun time! Good luck on your move to was fun to see you for a bit last weekend!
