Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas in Colorado...

It included lots of eating.

Lots of laying around.

And lots of dancing.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

We're in Colorado this year with the Hulme's. On Christmas Eve, we went to the Trail of Lights. It was so fun! But very, very cold. I couldn't feel my feet or legs by the end of it. We went to Chinese after which is a Hulme tradition.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Early Christmas

We leave for Colorado tomorrow morning, so Christian and I had our own little Christmas tonight. I didn't feel like packing extra stuff just to bring it back again. It was very fun! I got him a guitar game and he got me clothes.

Off to pack...I'm hoping I don't freeze to death.

Friday, December 9, 2011

that one time I realized I wouldn't make a very good mother

last weekend, we got to be parents while Steph ran a marathon in Vegas. All was going well on Saturday...and then it happened. The baby pooped. Who knew that babies pooped? Not me.


Change her diaper!

I'm a little embarrassed to say, one whiff of that doodie and I started gagging til my eyes were watering. That's when I realized I probably won't make a very good mother. But Christian changed all the poopy diapers last weekend. So he'll make a great dad. Together we'll make success. I'll just shut our kids in their bedrooms until Christian is done with work, and then when he opens the door and the smell knocks him out, I'll just say, "What? Oh. He/She must have JUST pooped."

Other than that, we had a fun weekend with the girls! We went to school, the park, watched lots of movies, played lots of hide and seek and had lots of giggles.

Friday, November 25, 2011


We had a fun Thanksgiving. We stayed in AZ and had dinner at Steph & Tyler's. We ate so much! The food was delicious. We also had lots of fun playing with the girls all day. We didn't do any black friday shopping this year, thank goodness. Unless you count a trip to Utrecht to buy architecture model-supplies.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

An ode to the Bevan's

Last weekend was the best weekend ever. Why? Because the Bevan's where here! They drove all the way from Rexburg, ID just to see us! Okay...well they had important things to do in AZ that didn't involve us. But still. They were here. It was so fun to see them!

We went out to eat, shopped, pretended we were rich while looking at houses, and laughed all weekend. My abs hurt a few days later :) I always get a good workout when we see the Bevan's. We miss our best friends and we hope we'll see them again soon! Side note from the picture, I AM wearing a shirt. I thought it was peach when I bought it. Turns out, it's more of a nude tone. Okay, okay I lied. I just enjoy eating dinner naked.

In case you're wondering, "Who are these cool people?" I'll answer that with this Bevan-Hulme timeline.

SUMMER 2008: Danielle and Ryann are on the same volleyball team at BYU-I. They fall in love...with each other.

FALL 2008: The friendship deal is sealed between Danielle & Ryann after a night of cookies & laughter.

SPRING 2009: Christian & Ryann get married.

SUMMER 2009: Danielle visits Christian and Ryann in their dumpy apartment. She brings along a fellow named Jordan, who happens to be wearing a money shirt. Christian talks about the "awesome money shirt" and knows he's gonna like this Jordan character.

FALL 2009: Danielle & Jordan become the Bevan's.

SPRING 2010: Bevan's help Hulme's move into new apartment right across the street. For the next 365 days, the Bevan's & Hulme's become inseparable. We discover that Christian & Jordan are actually twins separated at birth, and Danielle & Ryann have developed telepathic minds that enable them to think the same thoughts, and communicate without speaking.

It was a sad, sad day in 2011 when we moved away. But, someday, we will be reunited forever, whether they like it or not...muahahahahahaha.

Big gulps, eh? Welp. See ya later!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Here is Christian's finished model.

A few months ago, Christian made a wallet out of Tyvek (one of those tear-proof mailing envelopes) It was pretty cool and he got lots of compliments on it. This weekend, he wanted to make a better one. So he did:

Pretty cool huh? He drew on it with Sharpies and sewed it instead of taping it this time. I want him to make me one. Now, I just need to find a cool design.

Currently, it's Monopoly time at McDonald's and we are obsessed. Christian's friends at school even give us their games pieces because they know about our little addiction. We love having an excuse to grab a Coke from McDonald's everyday. Plus, we're really, really close to winning some BIG prizes.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

we're still alive

We celebrated my birthday last week. For the last 3 years, I've been watching the same infomercial. I know it's weird, but I just couldn't take my eyes off it. I'd watch it over and over and think, "one day I'll buy that." It was for Wen hair care. (I bet you were all thinking I wanted those Pajama Jeans, huh?) Anyway, for my birthday, Stacy got me (along with lots of other great stuff) a bottle of the Wen shampoo/conditioner. AND this wasn't just any kind of Wen. It's the Fall Ginger Pumpkin Wen. It smells so good, I'm tempted to taste it every time I shower. So now not only does my hair look and feel delicious, but it smells delicious too! Now I can proudly say, "I'm Ryann Hulme...and I'm a Wen girl." Click HERE if you have no idea what I'm talking about. It was a very fun birthday!

I love Halloween. Some might even say I'm obsessed with it. Talking with my sister in law Steph tonight, I realized it's the only holiday I really decorate for. I've always loved it. I was so excited to decorate for it this year because I started early on a few projects. My sister Denise sent me a whole box of great decorations for my birthday.

My simple wreathe. One of my bats was not cooperating.

This banner was so fun to make!

Christian has been very busy this week working on a big project. He had to design a house that also includes two offices for a client and then build a model of it. He is almost finished and has done a really great job on it. Look at the details in the kitchen portion! Amazing.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

icky love stuffs

Lately, I've been receiving the same question over and over at school & work: "Why are you married?" Followed by, "You're so young." For the most part, everyone has finished the conversation with a positive outlook, but I think that's because of how I answer their questions. It's easy for me to tell them the truth; I love being married to my best friend. I love having someone that I support and someone that in turn supports me. It's awesome going home to your favorite person.

I'm really happy about where Christian and I are at in our lives.

I love that I have a husband who likes being on this never-ending adventure. Now don't get me wrong, I love where I grew up and I love going home, however; it is NOT the place for me live the rest of my life. We've lived in 5 different apartments/houses since we've been married, including 3 different states: Idaho, Colorado, Arizona. I need busy. I need people. I need city. And I'm so thankful that Christian feels the same way. Seriously though, we love going home; whether it be Oregon or Colorado. But we're excited to establish our own roots.

We're really happy that it's just us right now. We'll be so happy and excited when we do start having kids, but for right now, we like just having each other. We love jumping in the pickup at 11:45 at night just to go for a drive with the windows down, listening to music...Or buying tickets at 6pm, SPRINTING to the light rail just in time to make it downtown Phoenix for the 6:40 game. And going to see our favorite bands live, even though we're deaf for the next 24 hours...Or trudging through the snow (when we were in Idaho of course) in the middle of the night after spending hours at the Bevans.

I love that Christian doesn't expect me to be a stay-at-home-wife right now. He's supporting me 100% about earning my degree and later using it for a professional career. Even if I don't want to work once we have children, he will never view my degree as waste because it's important to both of us.

I'm so thankful that Christian wasn't satisfied with only earning his Bachelor's degree. It shows me how passionate and hard working he is. Even though Graduate school requires many hours to be put in, I know that he will be a successful architect and will be rewarded for going the extra mile to learn as much as possible. (Haha, he just walked in and was mad that he got 133% on a test when he could've got 135%...he earned almost ALL of the bonus points.)

I'm not saying that people "settle" when they move home, or that they're boring once they have kids, or that they're dumb when the don't get degrees. Everyone's situation is different and each person needs something specific for them. I'm just saying that right now, I'm just really, really happy about where we are in life and the decisions we've made to get here.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

technically famous

Did you see us on TV last night? What? Really? You didn't? Well...we were on it. Maybe. Last night we were in the 9th row at the Diamond Backs game, just past 1st base. I got us really cheap and fantastic seats through my school district. We had a blast. They won, and Upton even hit a homer! We danced and jumped and screamed the whole game. Of course we ate hotdogs & peanuts. It wouldn't be a baseball game without em'. After the game, they opened up the roof and the side-panels and had a fireworks show. It was a really fun date night.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We met the Hulme side in Tucson for the weekend. It was so much fun! Most of the time, we stayed at the house and swam, ate, or played games.

On Saturday we went to see "Mission San Xavier del Bac," an old catholic church.

It got pretty hot in there...that Holy Water was looking mighty tempting.

Sunday, the guys went to the Biosphere...*cough* crickets chirping....yep...I don't know anything about it so you'll have to ask Christian.

Since the whole family was together, we celebrated all the September birthdays; Scott #22 Finley #1 and Me #23.

Our family is awesome.