Saturday, January 15, 2011

Did you celebrate?

We did.

It's a big deal.
So we celebrated.
We had pastrami sandwiches.
We watched a slide show all about pastrami.
We watched a video on how to properly carve pastrami.
It was a fantastic day.
I feel really sorry for those who didn't celebrate.


  1. So I read your last post, and had to tell you that Talon left me a random note the other morning, and when I read it, I teared up, and thought of you! And how we discussed that we cry WAY easier compared to before. I just started laughing after because I'm such a baby. But cute, fun dishes! I love cute dishes. I Hope we make it that way soon to see you guys!

  2. I wish I would have known this. haha. You guys are the greatest.

  3. Ha ha! That is totally awesome! You guys are awesome! :)
