Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Feeling sick

I really don't like this waiting game. Christian finished his grad school applications and now we do the hardest part... we wait. "Where are we going? Where are we going to live? How are we supposed to find housing in a few weeks? How will we move all of our stuff?" It's all I think about all day, everyday. I get sick to my stomach because I have no idea where we're going. We'd like to think we're going to Arizona...but we have to wait and see.

He's applied to:

Arizona State University (4 weeks til we hear)

University of Utah (6-8 weeks)

CalPoly Pamona (6-8 weeks)

University of Oregon (6-8 weeks)

Colorado University Denver (Not sure...probably 6-8 weeks)

Someone please give me some heavy meds to keep my anxiety under control. I just want to know. Even if it's a NO from Arizona, at least I know and I don't have to continue to guess. But we really hope it's a YES.

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