It's over.
It's really over.
Fall semester 2010.
We're excited to get our grades back.
Christian is passed out on the couch.
Perhaps I'll organize my cupboards.
Or ogranize my scrapbooking station.
Things I've abandoned all semester.
Time to breathe.
See you Saturday COLORADO.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
future plans
Lately my comm teachers have been talking to me about my future. They're too nice to me and have given me great confidence boosts! Currently my emphasis is Broadcasting, but I'd like to study Journalism. Especially after what my teachers have told me. I'm going to brag a bit here now.
Bro. B-Comm Department Chair- My favorite teacher ever! Bro B. told me: You can never stop writing. It would be such a waste of talent if you stopped. He also told me I should start freelance writing and that he expects a book/novel from me someday. He has given me full credit for multiple writing assignments this semester. I love his classes and how much he teaches me. I'm sad this is my last semester at BYU-Idaho, but I know where I want to go and what I want to do.
If Christian gets in to here (ASU):

I'll HOPEFULLY be going here:

I really hope Christian gets in to ASU, because I love going to school. I may complain at times and be stressed out, but I love what I'm studying. And I would love to go to the Cronkite school. I still love the Broadcasting field and at the Cronkite school I'd get to focus on Journalism but still get to learn about broadcasting and mass media stuff.
Bro. B-Comm Department Chair- My favorite teacher ever! Bro B. told me: You can never stop writing. It would be such a waste of talent if you stopped. He also told me I should start freelance writing and that he expects a book/novel from me someday. He has given me full credit for multiple writing assignments this semester. I love his classes and how much he teaches me. I'm sad this is my last semester at BYU-Idaho, but I know where I want to go and what I want to do.
If Christian gets in to here (ASU):

I'll HOPEFULLY be going here:

I really hope Christian gets in to ASU, because I love going to school. I may complain at times and be stressed out, but I love what I'm studying. And I would love to go to the Cronkite school. I still love the Broadcasting field and at the Cronkite school I'd get to focus on Journalism but still get to learn about broadcasting and mass media stuff.
Friday, December 3, 2010
wish him luck...
Christian is on his way to Logan Utah right now to take the GRE.
He has been studying and preparing for this test since September.
He took a prep course this semester.
Most days he'd have regular classes:7:45-3, work 3-6, GRE class 6-10:30.
He is a faithful student and has put in so many hours.
This test will help determine which grad schools he gets into which in turn determines where we'll live for the next 6 (at least) years starting in April.
I know he will rock the exam.
Say a quick prayer for him and wish him luck!
He starts at NOON today!
(Also, pray that the roads stay clean so he can get back home tonight!)
He has been studying and preparing for this test since September.
He took a prep course this semester.
Most days he'd have regular classes:7:45-3, work 3-6, GRE class 6-10:30.
He is a faithful student and has put in so many hours.
This test will help determine which grad schools he gets into which in turn determines where we'll live for the next 6 (at least) years starting in April.
I know he will rock the exam.
Say a quick prayer for him and wish him luck!
He starts at NOON today!
(Also, pray that the roads stay clean so he can get back home tonight!)
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thanksgiving Break
We had a really fun Thanksgiving break. Well...if you could call it a break for Christian. He did homework most of the time. We first spent some time in Oregon with my family. Then we flew to Arizona for a wedding and to see Christian's sister and her family. I obviously didn't take enough pictures during the break!

We had so much fun at Carissa and Fielding's wedding! We got to the Mesa temple and I had to change into my bridesmaid dress in the parking lot. The weather was perfect! It was about 75 degrees and beautiful. After the sealing I got to help Carissa get ready in the bride's room. I'm so glad I got to do that! She was the most beautiful bride. All the old ladies in the temple kept talking about her! She is my best girl friend and I'm so excited to get to know her husband better once they move back to school. Later at their reception they had a short ring ceremony, great food, and lots of dancing. That was the first time Christian and I have EVER danced and we had a blast. They through balloons on the dance floor and we had to hit them in the air. My arms were so sore the next two days from hitting balloons. Pathetic? Yeah...but I don't like to excercise so I'm fine with wimpy sore arms.

We had so much fun at Carissa and Fielding's wedding! We got to the Mesa temple and I had to change into my bridesmaid dress in the parking lot. The weather was perfect! It was about 75 degrees and beautiful. After the sealing I got to help Carissa get ready in the bride's room. I'm so glad I got to do that! She was the most beautiful bride. All the old ladies in the temple kept talking about her! She is my best girl friend and I'm so excited to get to know her husband better once they move back to school. Later at their reception they had a short ring ceremony, great food, and lots of dancing. That was the first time Christian and I have EVER danced and we had a blast. They through balloons on the dance floor and we had to hit them in the air. My arms were so sore the next two days from hitting balloons. Pathetic? Yeah...but I don't like to excercise so I'm fine with wimpy sore arms.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
it's that time of year again...
It's been snowing like crazy the last few days. On Monday we got about 4 inches of snow, and this morning we've already got a few inches and it's still coming down. I do not like the snow, however, it reminds me of the holidays and how much I love Christmas. I've been listening to Christmas music and have drug Christian to walmart multiple times to look at trees and luck yet in bringing one home.
I'm also excited to start making some Christmas decorations. My favorite, the JOY canvas.

Last year I told my sister Denise that I would make her one and I never did. So Denise, you'll get yours during Thanksgiving. I PROMISE.
I'm also excited to start making some Christmas decorations. My favorite, the JOY canvas.
Last year I told my sister Denise that I would make her one and I never did. So Denise, you'll get yours during Thanksgiving. I PROMISE.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
a very happy halloween
Last night we got dressed up and went to the annual Halloween Orchestra concert on campus. It was so much fun! We went with the Nerdy Bevans. We dressed up as Mario and Luigi. It was hard to not laugh at Danielle & Jordan when they came over. Every time we laughed our mustaches would start falling off. After the concert, we went to G's Dairy for treats and came back to our apartment. I love Halloween.

Sunday, October 24, 2010
I love Halloween! To start the festivities, I made a batch of my favorite Sugar Cookie Pumpkins. The frosting is orange kool aid frosting. Delicious.

Tonight, the Bevan's had us over for dinner. After, we carved pumpkins and of course ate the toasted pumpkin seeds.
Christian hard at work carving his pumpkin.

Jordan's pumpkin was pooping.

My finished pumpkin! It's supposed to be Jack Skellington from "The Nightmare Before Christmas."

The finished pumpkins. I did Jack, Christian did Mario (which is so awesome!!!) and Jordan did a scary face.

Christian is so amazing! Mario would be proud.

Hooray for halloween!
Tonight, the Bevan's had us over for dinner. After, we carved pumpkins and of course ate the toasted pumpkin seeds.
Christian hard at work carving his pumpkin.
Jordan's pumpkin was pooping.
My finished pumpkin! It's supposed to be Jack Skellington from "The Nightmare Before Christmas."
The finished pumpkins. I did Jack, Christian did Mario (which is so awesome!!!) and Jordan did a scary face.
Christian is so amazing! Mario would be proud.
Hooray for halloween!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Ryann sounds like a boys name...
This semester, I'm in the advanced media writing class with my favorite teacher Bro. B. One of our assignments this semester is to blog everyday. He provides us with daily prompts, and we have to put in 15 minutes of writing. I found my class blog for today was worthy for a re-post to this blog.
Prompt:"If you wrote the movie of your life, which actor would play you, and why?"
Blog answer: Well, I'd have to choose an actor that has freckles, a bowlcut, and is probably a boy. That's because growing up, I looked like a boy.
I always had (and yes, wanted, and pleaded) a boy hair cut. People use to tell me how cute of a boy I was, and my mom would say, "No...Ryann's a girl." Thanks for the boys name too Mom, that really seemed to help the situation.
Almost all of my clothes came from the little boys section at Gap. I would get shirts that said football or basketball on them. And hideous cargo pants that zipped off at different lenghts.
I loved getting new Nikes at the beginning of each school year. On recess, the girls would be cheerleaders and the boys played football. I of course, would play football. I didn't have many girl friends.
In 4th grade when all the girls thought wearing a bra was cool, I told them, "You're all stupid. And you don't even have boobs yet." Then they told me I was a boy. I didn't care though. Cause I had lots of boy friends to back me up.
Sometimes when I'd wake up, my face looked like one giant freckle. I was covered. At some point they started to disappear. I still have some, they're just not as noticeable on my face anymore.
Finally in 6th grade, I started dressing more like a girl. I still played sports with the boys, but at least I looked like a girl. And I grew my hair out. What was wrong with me? And worse, what was wrong with my mother?

I'm in the middle. On the left is cousin Chels, on the right is cousin Genniel. I should also let you know, Chelsey also had boy haircuts. We always did what the other one did or thought was cool. That's why I love her so much.
I apologize for the short paragraphs that might be annoying to you to read. But I can't help it anymore. I've been transformed into a broadcast-journalist-newswriting-maniac. And. I. Love. It.
Prompt:"If you wrote the movie of your life, which actor would play you, and why?"
Blog answer: Well, I'd have to choose an actor that has freckles, a bowlcut, and is probably a boy. That's because growing up, I looked like a boy.
I always had (and yes, wanted, and pleaded) a boy hair cut. People use to tell me how cute of a boy I was, and my mom would say, "No...Ryann's a girl." Thanks for the boys name too Mom, that really seemed to help the situation.
Almost all of my clothes came from the little boys section at Gap. I would get shirts that said football or basketball on them. And hideous cargo pants that zipped off at different lenghts.
I loved getting new Nikes at the beginning of each school year. On recess, the girls would be cheerleaders and the boys played football. I of course, would play football. I didn't have many girl friends.
In 4th grade when all the girls thought wearing a bra was cool, I told them, "You're all stupid. And you don't even have boobs yet." Then they told me I was a boy. I didn't care though. Cause I had lots of boy friends to back me up.
Sometimes when I'd wake up, my face looked like one giant freckle. I was covered. At some point they started to disappear. I still have some, they're just not as noticeable on my face anymore.
Finally in 6th grade, I started dressing more like a girl. I still played sports with the boys, but at least I looked like a girl. And I grew my hair out. What was wrong with me? And worse, what was wrong with my mother?

I'm in the middle. On the left is cousin Chels, on the right is cousin Genniel. I should also let you know, Chelsey also had boy haircuts. We always did what the other one did or thought was cool. That's why I love her so much.
I apologize for the short paragraphs that might be annoying to you to read. But I can't help it anymore. I've been transformed into a broadcast-journalist-newswriting-maniac. And. I. Love. It.
Monday, October 18, 2010
a much needed update
We celebrated my 22nd Birthday a few weeks ago. It was so great! Christian got me a certificate for a real message! I'm so excited to use it! My sister Stevie made me a cute scarf and apron, and my sister Denise made me a scarf, bracelet and necklace. My MIL Stacy spoiled me! She gave me a candle, sewing stuff, and a gift card. My sister in law Steph got me a scarf and earrings! My mom bought me a sewing machine, but gave it to me early in September for my birthday. As you can see, I got lots of great gifts! On my birthday, I woke up to Christian making me pancakes. Pretty awesome! We got to spend some time together and go to dinner a few times that weekend.

Christian has been riding the scooter to school so that I can drive the pick up. It's been raining a lot lately and the other night, he came in literally dripping wet. Poor guy. I felt bad. But I also laughed because he was drenched.

This is Sam. I met her back in summer of 2007 here at BYU-Idaho. She instantly became one of my best friends as was a roommate too! I love her so much! She leaves on her mission this week and she came to Rexburg to say goodbye! See you soon Sister Norton! We love you!

Christian has been riding the scooter to school so that I can drive the pick up. It's been raining a lot lately and the other night, he came in literally dripping wet. Poor guy. I felt bad. But I also laughed because he was drenched.
This is Sam. I met her back in summer of 2007 here at BYU-Idaho. She instantly became one of my best friends as was a roommate too! I love her so much! She leaves on her mission this week and she came to Rexburg to say goodbye! See you soon Sister Norton! We love you!
Monday, September 13, 2010
This Again?
For reals?
Do we have to???
The Hulme's are back in school again. Can they make it through yet another long, painful, difficult, time consuming semester? Tune in December 18th to find out if they're still alive....that is.....if they make it that long...
Christian's Classes this semester include:
Arch 180- Architectural Rendering
Arch 270- Specifications
Arch 280- Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Arch 300- Sustainable Design
Const 370- Concrete
He lives in the Austin building all day, everyday.
His schdule also includes a Prep course for the GRE test and his 2 jobs that he dillegently works to support us. Thanks Christian! You truly are the best and I love you!
Ry's Classes:
Comm 150- Interpersonal Theory
Comm 240- Newsgathering
Comm 340- Advanced Media Writing
Comm 362- Broadcast Performance
Comm 497- Practicum Credit
I live in the Spori bulding all day, everyday.
I'm still looking, applying, and calling back on any jobs available.
Sorry this is a boring post...but it's about s.c.h.o.o.l. What do you expect!?
Do we have to???
The Hulme's are back in school again. Can they make it through yet another long, painful, difficult, time consuming semester? Tune in December 18th to find out if they're still alive....that is.....if they make it that long...
Christian's Classes this semester include:
Arch 180- Architectural Rendering
Arch 270- Specifications
Arch 280- Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Arch 300- Sustainable Design
Const 370- Concrete
He lives in the Austin building all day, everyday.
His schdule also includes a Prep course for the GRE test and his 2 jobs that he dillegently works to support us. Thanks Christian! You truly are the best and I love you!
Ry's Classes:
Comm 150- Interpersonal Theory
Comm 240- Newsgathering
Comm 340- Advanced Media Writing
Comm 362- Broadcast Performance
Comm 497- Practicum Credit
I live in the Spori bulding all day, everyday.
I'm still looking, applying, and calling back on any jobs available.
Sorry this is a boring post...but it's about s.c.h.o.o.l. What do you expect!?
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Part 3
After we saw Stevie in Berkeley, we headed to Phoenix Arizona to stay with Steph (Christian's sister) and her family. It was so hot there! I loved it! Stacy flew down while we were there so of course she spoiled us! We did a lot of shopping, swimming, eating, and laughing. It was so much fun to play with our niece Eliot for a whole week. A huge thanks to Tyler & Steph for taking care of us.

The cute little monster:

I've never seen a child dance so much:

We visited ASU to talk about their grad program and Christian LOVED it! It's now our #1 choice for grad school. Say a prayer for us that he'll get it! He loved everything about the campus, the program, the classrooms...and of course I loved the heat! We would love being so close to family and friends if we ended up at ASU.

One of the days we got to meet up with Carissa and Fielding. We ate and went to the Scottsdale mall. We miss them already!

The cute little monster:
I've never seen a child dance so much:
We visited ASU to talk about their grad program and Christian LOVED it! It's now our #1 choice for grad school. Say a prayer for us that he'll get it! He loved everything about the campus, the program, the classrooms...and of course I loved the heat! We would love being so close to family and friends if we ended up at ASU.
One of the days we got to meet up with Carissa and Fielding. We ate and went to the Scottsdale mall. We miss them already!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Part 2
After Katie and Sammy left, we drove to California. It took us 13 hours to get to San Jose where most of Christian's extended family lives. We stayed the first night at Mark & Linda's house and the next day drove to Santa Cruz to camp on the beach with them. We camped with the Williams from July 30-August 3rd.
Before we left for the beach, we went and saw Grandpa and Grandma Hulme. We love them so much and had a great time with them at their house. I only got a picture of Christian and Grandpa, so I guess we'll have to go back soon to get one with Grandma and myself in it too! It's crazy how much Christian and his Grandpa look like each other.

Our campsite:

Christian discovered a new passion. Surfing. It was freezing at the beach and I'm too big of a wimp to get in that cold water, so I just took pictures.

We did lots of fun things while camping at the beach. One of the days we walked around Capitola which was a cute little beach town. We went to lots of fun shops and had delicious mexican food. I almost got nailed in the face with a football. Thank goodness for Christian's skills of stopping flying footballs with his feet.

Me and Christian and Leah (Christian's cousin) went to the Santa Cruz boardwalk and rode rides and ate corn dogs.

From August 3rd-6th, we stayed in Berkeley with Stevie. We saw the campus for grad school and got to see my cousin Michelle, her husband Chris, and their new baby Chloe who is such a cutie!

We are so grateful for Uncle Mark and Aunt Linda for letting us tag along with them on their beach vacation! And thanks to Stevie for letting us stay and steal your bed!We had so much fun in California! From there we drove to Phoenix...part #3 coming soon.
Before we left for the beach, we went and saw Grandpa and Grandma Hulme. We love them so much and had a great time with them at their house. I only got a picture of Christian and Grandpa, so I guess we'll have to go back soon to get one with Grandma and myself in it too! It's crazy how much Christian and his Grandpa look like each other.
Our campsite:
Christian discovered a new passion. Surfing. It was freezing at the beach and I'm too big of a wimp to get in that cold water, so I just took pictures.
We did lots of fun things while camping at the beach. One of the days we walked around Capitola which was a cute little beach town. We went to lots of fun shops and had delicious mexican food. I almost got nailed in the face with a football. Thank goodness for Christian's skills of stopping flying footballs with his feet.
Me and Christian and Leah (Christian's cousin) went to the Santa Cruz boardwalk and rode rides and ate corn dogs.
From August 3rd-6th, we stayed in Berkeley with Stevie. We saw the campus for grad school and got to see my cousin Michelle, her husband Chris, and their new baby Chloe who is such a cutie!
We are so grateful for Uncle Mark and Aunt Linda for letting us tag along with them on their beach vacation! And thanks to Stevie for letting us stay and steal your bed!We had so much fun in California! From there we drove to Phoenix...part #3 coming soon.
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