Friday, December 4, 2009

what a dilemma

I hate the snow and cold and it makes me depressed. I hate having a constant case of the chills while I manage to lose all feeling in my feet, hands, and face. I wish it were summer all the time. And HOT. I don't care for 80-90 degree weather, I enjoy 95-105 degrees. Which is why I am moving away. Not physically, but mentally. I have mentally checked out of Rexburg and am currently staying at a resort close to the sun. I should now take this time to apologize to my husband who will have to act as my "cabana boy" if he wants to interact with me.

Christian on the other hand likes the snow. He is really good at snowboarding and offered to give me lessons this winter...or sometime in the future. I guess I should just suck it up and make the most of it. Or maybe I could act as a "Real Housewives of Orange County" wife and complain and cry until I get what I want. How am I going to decide what to do.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We had a great Thanksgiving! We spent it in Colorado with Christian's parents Doug & Stacy. It was so fun! We ate, shopped, watched movies, and lounged for an entire week. Now we're back in our school routine...but guess what!? WE ONLY HAVE 12 DAYS OF SCHOOL LEFT! We cannot wait! Christian didn't have much luck finding an internship in California, so we will be moving to Colorado after we've spent Christmas at the Bowns. We are so greatful to Doug and Stacy for letting their poverty level children (me & christian) move in with them for winter semester.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

crafts and things

Okay, so I've been busy making craft stuff and I'm sending it all home to sell at the Adrian craft fair and at Valene's. Heres the stuff I've made.

This is my "Oversized Postcard" quote board. I'm still having mixed feelings about the way it turned out.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

What we've been up to...

We just got done with Midterm week and I am more than happy. I spent more time doing homework, studying, and taking tests last week than I've probably ever done all my days at college combined. Christian is better about not procrastinating, therefore, I believe he had a less hectic week...but not really because I was a psycho I'm he had to deal with that. Bottom line, we're both glad to be done with midterms. We didn't have a normal meal at all last week because we were both gone til after 10pm every night for school crap. So yesterday afternoon we went to Sam's Club and Winco and bought $82 worth of groceries. It was fun to break free from the $20 limit and spoil ourselves. Christian was sick last week, and I woke up with it today. So yes, we sinned on the sabbath and walked 20 feet across the street to Walgreens so i could buy some medicine. Don't judge me.

What else we've been up to...
2 weeks ago, we went with a group of friends to the Haunted Mill. Before we left, Christian wanted me to take a picture of him. So I did.

And then Trevor didn't think it was fair for Christian to have a picture so I had to take one of him as well.
I always feel like I am the same height as Carissa...until I see pictures and realize how short I really am.

The group before we left for the Haunted Mill. Shane, Carissa, Trevor, Jen, Derrick, Steph, and us. It was really cold waiting in line but was worth it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Viva Las Vegas

The sign is right. Las Vegas IS fabulous. We had so much fun this last weekend in Vegas. Why do I miss it? Here are my top 5 reasons:
#1- Where else are you going to ride a psycho elevator that takes about 5 seconds to get to the 33rd floor? It was an amusement ride all in itself...for free.

#2- Where else can you find a covered street full of pornography, gambling, underage drinking, drugs, and loads of women covered in Harley attire singing (well...drunkily shouting) lyrics to Queen's 'We Will Rock You'?

#3- Where else can you go to "La Bayou?" La Bayou was the best casino ever. Their machines actually take coins! Not stupid tickets or bills. It's for us cheapos. Plus, I was offered a drink more times than I can count.They'd probably even given us free cocaine if we asked. But who cares, I won a million dollars in there. We're splitting it with Tyler & Jessica Belnap. I promised.

#4- Where else can you lounge around a pool that has poop in it?

#5- Where else do you see popular gay stars such as Carson Kressley from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy dining at the same resturant as you?

Vegas was great! I loved everything about it! We got to spend alot of time with Christian's parents which was really fun! We went shopping alot and we got to go eat at Serendipity! Christian and I love that movie so much! It was so fun to go order a Frrrrrozen Hot Chocolate there! The resort we stayed at was great too! It was an excellent getaway.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Monkey Rock

Last Saturday, we went with our engaged friends Jen & Trevor to Monkey Rock. The water was like ice so I didn't get in. They braved the water for about 20 minutes. Then we had a fire and roasted hotdogs. It was probably the last day of warmth wich makes me really sad. I don't want it to get cold...but it's Rexburg, so it's going to get really, really, REALLY, cold.

He thought by using his rubber dingy he wouldn't get wet. Wrong assumption.

Christian was really cold.

Jen & Trevor

Trevor & Christian sucking it up and getting ready to go behind the waterfall. They said it was so cold they couldn't breathe behind it.

Me & Jen

Sitting by our fire.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Hooray for girlfriends and birthdays

Christian started his new job as a ticket usher on campus tonight. So my friend Carissa came over and we made some stuff. I made a frame for when Christian and I go to Vegas in a few weeks, and Carissa was working on a canvas for her room. I'm so grateful Carissa skipped out on her social life for a night with me! I just love her. She's my best girl-friend and it's always fun to be around her. If you need a good laugh, just giver a call.

Also this week, we celebrated Carissa's 21st birthday! I made a chocolate pudding cake that looks really awful in these pictures, but tasted really good. Even Christian liked it! Even though there's cream cheese in it...he has the phobia my dad does where they won't eat/drink anything white. So anyways, Carissa and Jen came over and we had birthday cake!

Sitting on the table you'll notice the pumpkin spice Walmart candle that smells sooooo good and was only $3, NOT on sale! That's a pretty good buy. Although, it is almost out and I bought it on Monday...maybe I light it too often, but I just LOVE pumpkin anything. Except for pumpkin pie.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

lots of things...

Lots of things have been going on lately. Christian and I started school again last Thursday and we're already suffering from lots of homework. I just keep telling myself, "1 more year. I can do this. 1 more year." We both have hard classes this semester so hopefully we get through it!

Christian's brother Scott turns 20 today, so Happy Birthday Scott! He's serving a mission in Charleston, West Virginia and has been out about 9 months. This is the picture we took for him!
As you may remember, there was a bearded man living with me who claimed to be my husband. The other day as I made my way into the bathroom, I discovered the mountain man.

20 minutes later, he suprised me with this:

Yikes. Hitler has returned.
But since school has started again, he now looks like my husband again. Only, 10 years younger.

My friend Jessica has a vinyl business and helped me out with a cute project. I bought a frame at DI and painted it, then we attached a vinyl calender to the back of the glass. Now I have a cute dry-erase calendar in my house. Thankyou Jessica! I love it so much! Check out her business blog at :